WEYBURN, Saskatchewan, 4 March, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Not finding vindication in Canada’s highest court, the country’s most controversial self-styled Christian evangelist has taken to the blogosphere to defend his innocence and exonerate himself from the judges’ unanimous pronouncement that he is guilty of “hate speech”.

“The reasoning for ruling that two of my four flyers should be deemed ‘hate speech’ is specious and fantastical at best, or dishonest and totalitarian at worst,” wrote Bill Whatcott today on his blog FreeNorthAmerica.

Bill Whatcott
Whatcott said that two of his flyers deemed hate speech by the Court contained only facts about the dangers of the homosexual lifestyle and the biblical word for men who have sex with men.

“The Supremes didn’t like that I used the Biblical word ‘sodomite’ to describe folks who commit sodomy and they thought using statistics showing the down side of homosexual behaviour, even if backed up with peer reviewed studies, should be censored if it could cause someone to get a negative impression of homosexual behaviour.” 
“The Supremes did not like my facts,” he said.

While many object to Whatcott’s use of strident language and tone to convey his points in his flyers, many of the same have also condemned the Court’s decision as an unprecedented infringement of freedom of expression and freedom of religion.

In a statement that has practically received universal condemnation from both left and right, the Supreme Court Judge Rothstein wrote that “truthful statements can be presented in a manner that would meet the definition of hate speech, and not all truthful statements must be free from restriction.”
Critics across the spectrum have slammed the Court for ruling that truth is subject to restriction. Some lawyers have argued that what this means legally is that truth is no longer a defense.

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