Tuesday 26 February 2013

Obama Administration: Homosexuals Cannot Change their Sexual Orientation
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 26, 2013, (LifeSiteNews.com) – President Barack Obama's administration does not believe homosexuals can change their sexual orientation and holds that reparative therapy is “generally futile and potentially dangerous to an individual's well-being.” Those are the sentiments expressed in the amicus curiae the Justice Department filed with the Supreme Court on Friday, urging justices to strike down a provision of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
According to the Obama administration, “the broad consensus in the scientific community is that, for the vast majority of people (gay and straight alike), sexual orientation is not a voluntary choice.”
The brief also asserts that the medical profession has determined that “efforts to change an individual’s sexual orientation are generally futile and potentially dangerous to an individual’s well-being.”
However, the 2009 American Psychological Association’s Task Force Report that the DOJ lawyers cite seems to indicate that that aspects of sexuality can be changed. It states, “recent research...illustrates that sexual behavior, sexual attraction, and sexual orientation identity are labeled and expressed in many different ways, some of which are fluid.”

Read more at Life Site News.

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