San Francisco’s Walk for Life West Coast Draws 50,000 (1412)
Marking the 40th anniversary of Roe, the Walk for Life brings Catholic leaders and pro-life activists, women religious and students together
Pro-life supporters marching in the 2013 West Coast Walk for Life.
– Paul Ryan/Walk for Life West Coast
SAN FRANCISCO — In 2004, the first year of the Walk for Life West Coast, 20,000 pro-life marchers in downtown San Francisco confronted a counterdemonstration of about 1,000 protesters, drawing a strong police presence.
This year, an estimated 50,000 pro-lifers converged on the city Jan. 26 to mark the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling legalizing abortion. They marched through city streets past about 100 opposing demonstrators waving signs and demanding abortion rights. The mood among pro-lifers was enthusiastic and relaxed, energized by the presence of Catholic leaders, leading pro-life activists and a deep-blue California sky.
The sharp increase in pro-life marchers raised spirits after the 2012 campaign season featured partisan battles over federal funding of Planned Parenthood and dire warnings from abortion-rights supporters that Roe could be overturned if a Democratic president was not in place to appoint future justices.
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