No, I’m not talking about the “what’s our relationship status” discussion.
I’m talking about pornography.
If you are a practicing Catholic and he is too, then perhaps you haven’t given pornography much thought. You figure it isn’t a factor in your relationship. Many Catholic women, however, know better. They’ve learned the hard way that pornography is a growing problem for men and women, one that rapidly infiltrates every aspect of the relationship.
If you are in the “ignorance is bliss” category, let me give you some facts. In the last month, over 70% percent of men between the ages of 18 and 34 have looked at pornographic material. The most popular apps on smart phones are porn apps. The pornography industry brings in 13.5 billion dollars a year. That’s greater than the entire Kansas state budget of $13.41 billion for FY2013.
Pornography isn’t just a dirty habit that is retained in isolation. Priests who work in Church tribunals say that in the majority of annulment cases, one or both people were using pornography. The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reported that 56% of divorce cases included one person having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites. If one person is looking outside of a relationship for a distorted version of intimacy, there are going to be problems.
Read more at the Love and Fidelity Network.
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