Monday 10 June 2013

Boys against Girls in Sports

One of our middle-school-aged daughters was on the girls’ basketball team at school this past winter.  At 5’9″ she was one of the tallest girls on the team, but she’s lacking in that aggressiveness that makes a good athlete, so she was no star player; still it was fun and good exercise.  The season ended at the end of March, so I was surprised last week when she told me she needed to stay after school for basketball practice...
It’s also unfair for the boys because this is a contest that is all shame and no glory.  If they lose, they will be shamed for losing to girls.  What, aren’t they real boys?  Are they a bunch of girly boys?  But if they win, there’s no glory.  Yeah, big deal, you beat a bunch of girls, so what?
Pushing girls to compete against boys in athletics is simply more feminist fantasy supplanting common sense as the driving force behind public policy.  It’s bad for girls, it’s bad for boys, but it sure is good for professional feminist activists, lawyers, and academics, isn’t it?

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