Thursday, 13 June 2013

Group marriage is next, admits Dutch ‘father’ of gay ‘marriage'

ROME, March 12, 2013 ( – Boris Dittrich, the homosexual activist called the “father” of the political movement in favor of Dutch gay “marriage”, has admitted that group marriages of three or more people, is the next, inevitable logical step in the dismantling of the western world’s traditional marriage laws.

In a video interview with Yagg, the French online homosexual magazine, Dittrich, a former Dutch MP and homosexualist activist working for Human Rights Watch, related the carefully laid-out plan that established first public acceptance legal civil partnerships, which in turn led inevitably to changing the definition of marriage.

The redefinition of marriage, he said, has led to discussions of allowing group marriages of three or more persons. “But that’s the beginning of something completely new,” he added. He predicted that this next step “will take a lot of years.”  

Dittrich admitted that “it took a long time” to push the notion of “marriage equality” through the political process. Until he and other homosexualist activists started the process in the Netherlands, “there was nowhere in the world marriage equality existed”. He started the discussion as early as 1994 but it took another “seven years of debate” before a bill could be presented.

He pointed out that opponents of the change in the Netherlands brought the same arguments and objections that are currently being made in France, which is facing a similar legal change.

In the countries where it has been created, most of the legislators pushing for gay “marriage” started the process by promising that “civil partnerships” were as far as it would go. In the UK, when homosexualists pushed for  civil unions, the public was assured that the category of civil partnerships was being created solely in order to ensure fair taxation and property inheritance laws for people in same-sex relationships. 

This line of argument was widely accepted even by religious leaders who denied, almost as vigorously as the lobbyists themselves, that there was any danger of the definition of marriage being abolished. British MPs supporting the plan insisted that civil partnerships were the end of the line and that marriage would remain untouched. 

Read more at Life Site News.

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