Thursday, 13 June 2013

The Children's Rights Battles Gearing Up in California, Louisiana, and Washington DC

Don't sleep. We can never sleep. The people pushing modern child-as-chattel arrangements are working through so many different means, and their organizations are staffed by so many ideologues who can't see the harm in what they are doing, we are almost never able to keep up with this.

Gestational surrogacy, or what some call the "new prostitution" or the "new slavery" is being pushed in Louisiana and in the city of Washington, while sperm banking is getting a boost from a California bill that might allow lesbian couples to be publicly funded so they can acquire sperm for their baby factories, and lastly, new bills put forward in Congress by Leahy (Senate) and Ros-Lehtinen (House) would implant sneaky provisos in immigration and adoption bills in order to ensure as many trap doors as possible for same-sex couples to buy children without people noticing.

In Louisiana, we have already reported on the push to legalize and provide infrastructure for surrogacy, under the ruse (there is always a ruse) of helping infertile couples. This is a front for the infusion of massive money by way of the way artificial reproductive technology industry, which is hoping to cash in on a bevy of gay male customers. To provide "structure" means to give the purchasing couples the power to drive away surrogate moms who have been contractually obliged to abandon their own children to paying customers. It's legalized chattel slavery because it is the purchase of a human being and the arrogation to the state of the power over creation and ownership of human life. Very serious.

Read more at English Manif.

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