Thursday 13 June 2013

Speak truth, show compassion: Christians and homosexuality

June 11, 2013 ( - An article in the latest issue of the Atlantic Monthly describes how churches affiliated with Unitarian/Universalist and Episcopal denominations have embraced same-sex relationships.

But the embrace isn’t limited to liberal churches. For many younger evangelicals, “you can believe homosexuality is a sin and still believe that same-sex marriage should be legal.” Others take it one step further and say things like “Is Homosexuality a sin? I. Do. Not. Care.”

As Erick Erickson of Red put it, younger evangelicals “want the world to like them and to think them a part of the world.” For them, remaining silent about these issues is part of what it means to love your neighbor.

Well, Al Mohler begs to differ.

In a recent piece on his website, Mohler asked “can we count on evangelicals to remain steadfastly biblical on [the issue of homosexuality]?” His reply: “Not hardly.” He noted survey data showing “a significant loss of conviction among youth and young adults” on the issue.

It’s hard not to understand what’s behind the loss of conviction. Outside of the church, the cultural signals all point in the same direction. Whether it’s schools, mass media or peers, the message is the same: “homosexuality [is] a fully valid lifestyle,” and anyone who insists otherwise is a bigot and not entitled to respectful consideration of their views.

Thus, says Mohler, it is imperative that churches “teach the basics of biblical morality to Christians who will otherwise never know that the Bible prescribes a model for sexual relationships.”

Read more at Life Site News.

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