Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Marriage, Religious Liberty, and the Ban Myth

It’s a myth that marriage law “bans” same-sex relationships because it treats marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

In a column at, Marc Stern asks whether “gay rights” will infringe religious liberty. By “gay rights” he means eradication of sexual complementarity from marriage laws...

Once the Ban Myth is exposed as a falsehood, it becomes clear that religious observers are not trying to prevent anyone from doing anything. Indeed, it is legal approval of same-sex intimacy that imposes a doctrinaire behavioral code on the public. Consider just four cases that Stern himself has discussed in a recent book...

Marriage law can accommodate religious liberty in one of two ways. The law can either define marriage as what it is—the monogamous union of one man and one woman—or it can adopt an illogical middle course between affirmation of same-sex couples and religious pluralism. A constitutional right to same-sex marriage would eschew both of those courses. It would destroy pluralism, and religious liberty with it.

Read more at Public Discourse.

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