The Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (“West German General Newspaper” or WAZ), Germany’s self-professed “largest regional newspaper” covering the Ruhr area from the paper’s headquarters in Essen, reported April 24, 2013, on the unique personal life of one lawmaker in the German Bundestag or parliament. This thoroughly modern homosexual living arrangement of a national politician indicates just what troubling implications a society’s adoption of same-sex “marriage” (SSM) entails. Individuals in the United States and elsewhere considering SSM should take note.
The 45-year-old MP in question, Michael Kauch, is a member of the small, libertarian-leaning Free Democratic Party (Freie Demokratische Partei or FDP) and its spokesman on, among others, homosexual and environmental issues. He was recently elected as president of GLOBE Europe, the European chapter of the Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment. His pro-business party is in Germany’s governing coalition with Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrat Union (CDU) and the Christian Social Union (CSU) -- despite the resistance of those two parties to what gay activists call full equality for same-sex couples.
As WAZ reports, Kauch has the “rather unusual” family situation of becoming a father while being “married with a man since 2009.” He announced his paternity on Tuesday, April 23, via his Facebook page following the birth the previous Saturday. The Facebook entry stated that the “mother and child are well,” the mother being a lesbian woman in her own homosexual relationship. “Together with her wife and my husband,” Kauch wrote, he and this woman “rejoiced in their wonderful daughter.” WAZ described Kauch’s “new family situation” as “father, father, mother, mother, child.”
The MP explained to WAZ that he “had long considered” becoming a father. “At first it was only my theme, then also my husband’s.” With his subsequent approval, Kauch became a progenitor with a woman from a “befriended lesbian pair that also had a wish for a child.”
The child’s future WAZ described under the subtitle “All Four are going to Care for the Child.” The two homosexual couples, the paper vaguely indicated, had “laid the legal basis” for collective custody of the child. It added, “At the moment the child is with the mother—this, however, is supposed to change.”
Read More at Mercator.Net.
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