Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Texas A&M student president kills senate-passed bill to allow students to opt-out of funding LGBTQ center

Conservative students at Texas A&M University suffered a setback on Thursday after the student body president vetoed a measure that would’ve given students the ability to keep their funds from funding a new LGBTQ center.

The Texas A&M student body president vetoed legislation that would have given students the option of keeping their fees from funding a new LTBTQ center.
In a letter obtained by Campus Reform, John Claybrook, the student body president, explained his veto was designed to save the school from “great harm to our reputation as a student body and to the students feeling disenfranchised by this bill.”
The Senate-approved proposal that passed on Wednesday would have given students the ability to prevent their student fees going to the school’s LBGTQ Center if they had religious or moral objections.
Eric Schroeder, an A&M student and president of the Aggie Conservative club, said he strongly supported the proposal and was disappointed that the president vetoed it.
“It would’ve been a great step in the right direction in that would’ve let students have a more of a say in where their own money, not the university’s money, would be going towards,” Schroeder said.
Read more at Campus Reform.

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